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Northstar Power Adds Value to a Bulk Handling OEM

Bulk Handling OEMBuilding a thriving business on special requests since the early 50’s, this bulk handling manufacture understands the importance of meeting customer’s specific needs. The numerous variations offered in their feed truck lines and how they perform determines their future business. With that in mind, they are very focused on how the equipment is built and functions. So when you are experiencing power take-off failures it is troublesome.  The competitor’s engagement design produced a constant pressure to the collar which caused internal breakdowns. The representative of PTO manufacture was unresponsive and offered no support for this problem.

The WPT distributor, Northstar Power, quickly identified the issues of the premature failures, came up with a solution and provided the support they were lacking. Northstar Power had the inventory needed to supply the right interchangeable PTO on their shelf,  leading to a seamless transition. Northstar Power even delivered a customized engagement handle on the units to better suit the application.

Unfortunately, this company had to go through two other PTO manufacturers before they saw the advantage an experienced WPT Power distributor can make. If you need a competitive alternative or require any assistance with your engine PTO equipment, please contact your local WPT Power distributor or factory representative.