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Manufacturer & Distributor Partnership Offers Ongoing Supply and Support to Australian Sand Miner

Australian Sand Mining firmSand mining and dredging is crucial to manufacturing as well as infrastructure construction. The sand is often used for abrasives in manufacturing, road & building construction, replacement for eroded coastlines, road traction during the winter, railroad ballast, and water filtration. It is a very high demand material globally which is why an Australian Sand Mining firm became increasingly frustrated with their equipment downtime.

The source of that discontent was a competitor’s power take-offs showing unusual signs of serious wear and fatigue, and costly repairs and the lack of support adding to their overall dissatisfaction. Statewide Bearings and WPT Power were there at the right time to offer a supply and support package that fulfilled and addressed all of the clients requirements.

The equipment’s root cause was identified along with some fault diagnosis discussions, the appropriate corrective actions were carried out on the Dredge. Based on their needs, Statewide Bearings supplied WPT’s 18” mechanical PTOs on their dredge as the solution and while doing so, substantially reduced the up front costs they were experiencing. Both Statewide and WPT are providing support and a local point of contact which gives them the confidence to make the switch. Collectively, they offered continuous after sales service support package for this sand mining firm to ensure they receive the most return from their investment. Sourcing WPT products now takes place through the local Statewide Bearings branch. Ongoing technical support and a healthy supply of parts makes sure this client enjoys the recurring benefits of installing a WPT Power PTO.

If you want to see more value out of your PTO supplier, please don’t hesitate in contacting your local WPT Power distributor or factory representative.